Social projects for trainees The social projects included, for example, the "Christmas in a shoe box" project in 2014. This is the title of a major gift campaign for children in need in German-speaking countries. The trainees first very successfully mastered the challenge of convincing selected departments to participate in this charity campaign: the interest was tremendous. A total of 42 shoe boxes that the trainees obtained from a local shoe shop and decorated for Christmas were filled by employees in Marketing, HR, In-House Sales, Main Office and the postal service as well as by the Gira trainees themselves.
They contained clothing, furry animals, toys and school items, toiletries and sweets that are sure to have made the children in need that received them very happy. The campaign was so well received that in 2015 the company and its trainees started its own campaign in a similar form - the Gira Christmas miracle" that mainly benefited refugee children in the Bergisches Land region of Germany.